Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcoming the new Citizen's Academy class - JCSO Citizen's Academy

On August 14, 2012 the Johnson County Sheriff's Office welcomed in participants of the 31st class of the Citizen's Academy and guess who got invited to speak to them?  Me!  Okay so maybe Rita forgot to line someone up and just happened to get a hold of me to see if I would speak.  (Dave Deucher, also a graduate of the 30th class, was contacted by Rita to speak as well.)   Still though... me, really?  Out of the 18 who completed the 30th class I was a little surprised I was one of 2 asked to come back and speak to the new class. 

It was actually fun!  (Thanks Rita for asking me!)  I encouraged the new class to have fun, ask a lot of questions and don't admit to being a cop magnet!  Captain Simpson had mentioned to the class that many people don't realize Johnson County has a Sheriff's Office and that many times deputies are asked if they work for Overland Park or the Olathe Police Department.  When it was my turn to speak, I really hadn't planned on what I would say so I started off by saying that I also didn't know there was a Sheriff's Office in Johnson County until I got pulled over by a deputy a few years ago.  That got a chuckle from the class. 

Seriously though, I talked briefly about why I wanted to attend the academy, why it was a good idea to attend all the classes/activities (and if they missed a scheduled class to talk to Rita about making it up with the next academy class), to ask questions and have fun!  I concluded by encouraging them to consider volunteering for the Sheriff's Office after graduation if they don't currently volunteer somewhere.  Dave and I both commented about some of the events we have volunteered at since graduating.  It is a great way to meet new people (other class graduates as well as deputies we didn't meet during our class), learn new things and give back to the community!

Welcome Class #31!  Have fun!  12 weeks goes by really fast, enjoy the experience!!!
