Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why attend a Citizen's Academy? - JCSO Citizen's Academy

Why would someone want to attend a Citizen's Academy?

Well there are many reasons why someone might want to attend.  Here are a few reasons why participants from the 30th class attended:

"I was looking at JOCO Sheriffs employment opportunities and noticed they were accepting applications for the Civilian Specialists position. I requested an application and have yet to turn it in. I saw the opportunity for the Citizens Academy and thought what a great way to get an inside look at the Sheriff’s Office and get an idea of the responsibilities they have and how they provide for our community. After being involved with the academy, I know now more than ever before that God has opened this door for me and it is up to me what I do now… Do I take the chance and walk through the opened door or stand at the threshold just looking in wondering what it would be like on the other side. Well I can’t just stand there and wonder! Seeing the personnel that we have met, and building some personal relationships with them. I feel I have an opportunity of a lifetime and can’t pass it up so I have filled out the application. I have been inspired to follow my dream and I want to pursue the possibility of becoming a deputy. Since the start of the Citizens Academy, I have lost over 20lbs and trying to get into better shape and hope and pray that I am offered a position with the department starting at the Civilian Specialist and transition into a position as a deputy at some point. Attending the academy has been a “God thing” from the beginning and I know I would be a great asset to the department if given the opportunity."

"Something different to do.  Plus I liked learning about the differences in law enforcement agencies... between city, state and county."

"To get a more in depth look at the field I want to go in to."

"I refer to myself as a 'new born American'. I am still learning how to better understand the great American system, my tribute and respect goes to our everyday heroes, our Law Enforcement Officers. One way to honor them is to understand and value their role in the community and this classes allowed accomplishing this."

"My husband is a deputy. He has encouraged me for years to attend the academy so I can get an inside look at his career. I finally decided to enroll because I want to become involved as a volunteer with Johnson County Sheriff's Office."

"I want to be a police officer. I thought it would be a great way to learn more and of course to get a foot in the door."

"As part of my job responsibilities over the years I have been doing stress testing and physical agility testing on LEO's. Many times I have been asked to do a ride-a-long with a LEO so that I would have a better understanding of their job.  Since I now oversee our stress testing program I thought it might be a good idea to learn about the job as a whole so I looked in to the idea of attending a citizens academy."

"An opportunity to volunteer for and support the local Sheriff's Office"

Are you interested in attending the Citizen's Academy?

The academy is free of charge and involves interactive instruction through both classroom presentations and field experience. To register visit the Johnson County Sheriff's Office web page at:

It's an adventure...  :) 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ride Along #2 - JCSO Citizen's Academy

I did my second ride along today (Tuesday May 22, 2012).  Ride Along #2 was more interesting than Ride Along #1 with exception to the patrol car fail of course!

I rode with Deputy Becker again.   She tolerated me the first go round so I figured why not ride with her again since she said I could come back and ride with her anytime.

The day started with the captain at roll call giving me crap about the patrol car fail during my first ride along.   He asked if anyone had a car they wanted taken out of service.   I guess it's good to be remembered!   Wonder what memory will last longer, the patrol car going up in smoke or winning the cone killer award?  Deputy Becker had to mention the cone killer award in roll call!  I don't think the captain wants to see me in roll call again.   He did laugh though when Deputy Becker said she was going to find some orange traffic cones and let me drive so I think he was kidding about seeing me there again...

April 23, 2012 - "Patrol Car Fail" during First Ride Along
May 21, 2012 - "Cone Killer" Award presented at Graduation Ceremony

We ventured out to District 5 which is the eastern portion of the county. Deputy Becker made a few traffic stops today. One was for a hefty fine of $237 for doing 34 in a 20 (school zone).   He actually said thank you!  He wasn't wearing his seat belt either but only got a warning for that.   Guess he didn't realize that's only a $10 fine (versus the $237 fine he got for speeding).   Can't say I've ever said thank you for receiving a ticket!!!   Turns out the driver works for a lawn service that a fire fighter owns.   We stopped at a fire station for a bathroom break and it happened to be the station that fire fighter was at.   It was one of his employees that got the ticket.   He asked us about the traffic stop and was good humored about it.

At one point we were stopped after delivering civil papers so that Deputy Becker could finish some paperwork.   I was bored so I was looking at stuff in the passenger side door.   We heard a thump and she asked me if I found something interesting.   Yep!  A big black Labrador dog had jumped up on the passenger door to say "Hi".   He was quite friendly and just wanted to be petted for a bit.  I tried to get a pic but we had to head out and I missed my opportunity.

We responded to an accident where a young teen driver had rear ended a vehicle.   She was really nervous and clueless!  So much so that she almost caused another accident while leaving the accident scene after being released by Deputy Becker.  Lucky for her, her father was behind us and didn't see her almost have a second accident.  Looked like she would be getting in to enough trouble for the first accident (Dad was NOT happy!).  She certainly didn't need a second to fuel his fire.  She managed to contain herself long enough to not cry at the scene.

Another traffic stop was for expired tags.   I didn't know it was a $300+ ticket in Johnson County! Guess I have even more incentive to break that bad habit!   Not sure how many times I've been pulled over for that and not had to pay a fine.  Damn, I've been lucky!!!   Might be a good idea to quit pressing my luck with that...  Deputy Becker asked when I expire this year.  Uh oh...  Doesn't she know I already have enough trouble avoiding one deputy when I am stupid enough to play that game, I don't need two to avoid!  Probably should get it taken care of early this year just in case... 

FYI...when stopping for food or a bathroom break hit the bathroom first!   Almost didn't get to use the facilities when I really needed to because I ordered my food first.  Got a call and I had to ask if there was time to hit the restroom because I really needed to go!   Oops!  It wasn't a hot call so Deputy Becker let me use the restroom while she grabbed our lunch.   We ended up finding a park later to eat at between calls.

Dogs must be attracted to Deputy Becker.   Another dog wanted all kinds of attention from her when she was trying to clear a house alarm call.   He was a friendly pooch and returned promptly to his owner when called.   That neighbor then came over and we chatted while waiting for Deputy Becker to finish up.   He was glad to see the Sheriff's Office in the neighborhood.   Said he feels better about the neighborhood when they patrol it. 

I never thought I would say these words to an officer..."Quit being so damn nice!".  It took us forever to get out of QT because Deputy Becker was being friendly and chatting with everyone.   She said at one point that she gets stopped a lot to chat with people so I couldn't resist making the too damn nice comment.  She is actually very friendly & professional which is why I requested to ride with her again.   I enjoyed both ride alongs even if they weren't the most exciting in terms of activity.

Speaking of exciting...the check engine light came on and I quickly said it wasn't my fault.   It went off a few minutes later with no harm done.   Whew, can't imagine how that would have looked if another patrol car went up in smoke with me in it!   I might have become the first person from the Citizens Academy to be banned from doing ride alongs!   I haven't done the overnight shift yet so for my sake I was glad it turned out to be nothing.

I must have looked bored because during one call for service Deputy Becker said to feel free to play with the buttons in the car while she and a detective were inside a residence and I was left unsupervised in the patrol car.  She meant the radio buttons and I behaved for the most part.   I didn't cause any harm so no foul right? :)

A few stops were made for stop sign violations and a couple speeders including one woman who almost rear ended us.   She was having a medical issue.   Deputy Becker had her get out of the car to determine if she was safe to drive.   She was let go with just a warning after it was determined she was safe to drive (she was heading just up the street from where she was pulled over).

No arrests today but that's okay.   I picked up a few tips about how to not get pulled over and even one excuse I might have to try next time I get pulled over!  :)   I know it didn't seem like I was paying attention but I was.  I probably shouldn't say that since I'm sure that wasn't Deputy Becker's intention but she did laugh at my stories and admission to being a cop magnet!   Today was a busier shift than my first ride along.   No patrol cars or cones were harmed during this ride along... Would like to do at least one more.   Haven't done the overnight shift yet so that will be my next request.

Thank you to Deputy Becker for putting up with me again today!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thank you! - JCSO Citizen's Academy

From Class 30...

30th Citizen's Academy - Feb-May 2012

Thank You Johnson County Sheriff's Office for putting on a great Citizen's Academy!!! 

Week 12 - Graduation - JCSO Citizen's Academy

Week 12 - Graduation!

It's Week 12 and that means our time with the Johnson County Sheriff's Office Citizen's Academy is done. It went so fast! I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!!!

We were greeted by a room full of people, all of which were involved in the academy in one way or another. A nice spread for dinner was provided and then the Award Ceremony began. I think I speak for most of the class when I say we had no idea we were going to be receiving awards and such nice certificates for attending the academy. A simple "Thank You for Attending" would have been plenty but the Certificates and Awards were a very nice touch! 

Sheriff Denning addressing the class before the awards ceremony.
Rita Jones, Executive Assistant to Sheriff Frank Denning, speaking to the class about volunteer opportunities with the Sheriff's Office.

A few Awards were presented.... "Top Shot"... Best Shot on Range, "Top Gun"... Fastest Qualifying Time on EVOC course, and "Cone Killer"... Smashed most cones on EVOC qualifying run.

"Top Shot" Award for marksmanship on Range day. Congratulations Bill!
(I apologize for not paying attention and getting a picture of you when the award was presented!)

"Top Gun"... Fastest Qualifying Time on EVOC course. Congratulations Derek!

Me! I realize my name is nowhere to be found in my blog soo... Kathi aka "Cone Killer". I earned a few other nicknames throughout the academy but we'll omit those for now! :)

My "Cone Killer" Award!

Graduation Ceremony. All participants received a certificate in a frame with the Sheriff's Office Patrol Patch and Class Picture. We also received a nice pen engraved with our name on it and Sheriff's Office printed on it (Thank you Shakil Haider for engraving the pens. That was a nice touch!) and a nice ceramic coffee cup with Sheriff's Office logo/name on it.

Paul Akin
Doug Bridwell
Bill Capstack
Jason Carter
Kimberly Davis

Dave Deucher
Derek Eveland
Shakil Haider
Greg Hernandez
Kim Jensen
Bill McBride
Kathi McKinley
Angelo Mino
Gary Seesing
Terry Stove
Jennifer Stove

Jeff Wilson


Class in session... last night of academy - May 15, 2012.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Range Day - JCSO Citizen's Academy

Our class got to spend Saturday morning May 12, 2012 at the Range with Firearms Instructors from JCSO.  The Range at JCSO was not available so Kansas Highway Patrol opened their Range for our use.  I wasn't able to attend due to a previous engagement but will be participating with the next class.  I hear it was a blast and Bill was kind enough to share pictures.

Pictures of the demonstration:

Pictures of our class firing away at their target:

Congratulations to Bill McBride for being the "Top Shot!"

 Sounds like I missed a good time and definitely need to attend with the next class!