I'm a runner and a marathoner and Boston is one of the premiere marathons in the world. People from all over qualify for and travel to Boston for this historic race. For many runners it is a dream to compete at Boston. I am sure no one dreamed such a nightmare could occur today.
Instead of focusing the media attention on the disturbed person or people responsible, let's focus on the heroics displayed by this tragedy. Prayers for all those injured, deceased and for their families. Prayers for all those who heroically responded at the scene including all first responders, runners, the many volunteers and spectators. There are a few bad apples in the world but there are MORE good people than bad! Over the next few days we will be reminded of today's tragic event by the media. We will also hear stories of runners, race personnel, spectators, volunteers, first responders and complete strangers stepping up to help each other. It is in time of tragedy we are our strongest as human beings. Prayers for Boston and America! Stay strong!