Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tragedy in the running community. Why does everyone feel they "need" to know how Chad Rogers died?

Ok, I'm as curious as the next person but it's none of my business as to how or why Chad Rogers died beyond "was it foul play?" So why is it so many people feel the need to know how Chad died? My concern was foul play. As a runner I want to feel safe when I venture out on the roads or trails. Running is my peace, my anti-depressant, my life. I was scared when I first heard about Chad's disappearance while on a run. I wanted to do anything I could to help find him alive. I was devastated along with everyone else when his body was found. I was relieved to learn his death was NOT a result of foul play. My curiosity ended there. I didn't feel the need to know how or why Chad died beyond the cause not being foul play because I did not know Chad personally.

I understand that many people felt connected to the story because they helped with the search, shared information on the internet, etc. But really, is it our business to know how Chad died if we did not personally know Chad or his family? Do a quick google search of Chad Rogers and you will find many sites where people are asking questions about his life, his family and of course speculating as to how he died. True it isn't helping that the media made quite a scene about the search and then nothing was released about the cause of his death other than it was not a result of foul play. It's as if the media all of a sudden shut down on the story. Could that be a result of a request from the family for privacy? Maybe and to be honest I can't blame the family.

Chad's death was tragic. Was it due to a medical issue? Again as a runner I am curious because well... people do die on runs. It could have been an undiagnosed medical condition (heart maybe?), dehydration and/or heat illness (it was hot and humid the day Chad went out for that fateful run), etc. I've lost friends to medical emergencies who died on the soccer field, softball field and football field. Emergencies DO happen! Those that know me may recall that I did a thesis on medical emergencies in high school athletes. I am not stating that to toot my horn but the data in my thesis did raise questions about how athletes are screened prior to participation in high school sports and the data was shared among the High School Athletic Associations to help change screening requirements. Athletes die from participation in sports due to many different circumstances so to not speculate that Chad died from a medical emergency on his run that night would be foolish.

Could the ugly rumors be true that Chad committed suicide? I have read some of the comments people have made about Chad since his death and the speculation is horrible. People want to know if he committed suicide because he was recently fired from his job, was having financial and or legal issues, was gay or was having an affair, etc. Some people go as far to say that all of the circumstances regarding Chads death should be released to the public. That he had issues and the public has a right to know because the public came together to support his family and join in the search for him. Other comments suggest that the community felt used. That his missing person status was misrepresented and if circumstances surrounding his death were known to the public he wouldn't have gotten so much sympathy. Guess what? It's none of our business how or why Chad died! If we are not a friend or family member of Chad Rogers why do we have the right to know how or why he died? We don't. We are just being curious, nosy human beings. Think for a minute - if it was you or a loved one this happened to, would you want the world to know the issues surrounding yours or your loved ones death? Probably not. I know I wouldn't! I for one hope the media doesn't learn or release the final autopsy report. The family is grieving and deserves some privacy in this difficult time. I hope that the community will respect that.

If it turns out the cause of death was suicide. I pray that if the media reports it as such that the media also takes the opportunity to educate people about suicide. There is such a stigma around suicide. This would be an opportunity to educate people and maybe help someone who is struggling with depression, anxiety and or suicidal thoughts.

RIP Chad! Run with the Angels!