Friday, May 30, 2014

CERT Team Training Event

Southwest Johnson County CERT held a team training event on Saturday May 24, 2014. It was a good review of information learned during the initial training I took in the fall of 2013 as well as some additional info not previously covered. And they were smart to provide donuts and coffee!

Training was from 8am - 4pm. Here are some pics from the training day:

Traffic Control - taught by Gardner Police Department

Photo: First class of the day traffic control, taught by Gardner Police Department thank you.
(I apologize for not remembering the Sgts name who presented. I will update as soon as I have that info.)

Hazardous Materials - taught by Chief Keller

Photo: Second class of the morning is Hazardous Materials Considerations in our own community, taught by Chief Keller.
Consider how many materials are within storm debris. Can you safely navigate through?
Photo: Consider how many materials are within the storm debris, can you safely navigate through. How many different items are thrown in there?
With inter-modal so close, do you know what's traveling down the road?
Photo: Chief gave us all a guide book to stash in our CERT bag for situational awareness.
CERT Team members were provided with this reference guide.
Terrorism - I failed to get instructors name. Will update when I have that.

Photo: 8 signs for Terrorism, a quick briefing. If you see something say something.
8 signs for Terrorism, a quick briefing. If you see something say something.

8 Signs of Terrorism:
1. Surveillance 
2. Elicitation
3. Tests of Security
4. Funding
5. Acquiring supplies
6. Impersonation or suspicious people
7. Rehearsals and dry runs
8. Deployment 

The sets we learned in our class. Great info. View the video below for more information.
Recognizing 8 Signs of Terrorism - video

Communication Procedures - taught by Rita and Tony

Photo: Communications procedures for our team.
Rita going over communications procedures for CERT team.
Photo: Tony teaching radio communications according to our plan. Thanks Tony.
Tony teaching radio communications according to CERT plan. 
Damage assessment - taught by Rita.

Photo: Rita teaching the damage assessment portion of the class.
Rita teaching the damage assessment portion of the class.
Photo: The damage assessment process.
The damage assessment process.
After the classroom portion there was some hands on training:

Fire suppression quick review
Medical quick brief training wrap and go

Photo: Cribbing look what's under the pile of debris
Cribbing. Look what's under the pile of debris!

Thank you to all the instructors and team members that made this a great training day!

SW Johnson County CERT

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Red Cross assists after tornado hits Orrick, MO

On May 10, 2014 an EF2 tornado hit the small town of Orrick, MO which is about 30 miles east of Kansas City, MO located in Ray County. It has a population of approximately 800 people. This is the second tornado to hit Orrick, MO in it's history. In 1967, a tornado touched down destroying the high school and killing 2 people. The May 10th tornado also took a direct hit on the high school and continued across town lifting off the ground virtually at the city limits. Fortunately there were no fatalities this time.

The Red Cross stepped in to action immediately, providing a shelter for those who needed a place to stay and food/clothing to residents affected. The service center (a location for residents to go and receive assistance after a disaster) was open from Sunday May 11th to Saturday May 17th, closing in time to allow church services to resume as normal on Sunday May 18th. Service Centers generally are set up in a location that is easily accessible to the residents affected. Sometimes it's a school, business, community center or in this case, a church. I was fortunate enough to be able to respond for the Red Cross and do damage assessment. I don't take many pics during a disaster, mainly to respect the privacy of those affected. Here are just a few pictures of the service center we set up in the local church and a sign that I couldn't help but chuckle at. Unfortunately, looting can be a problem after a disaster and residents were prepared if such activity occurred!

Continued prayers for the residents of Orrick, MO that they may have the strength and courage to rebuild and resume with their lives!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


There have been so many natural disasters recently. Too many tornadoes have disrupted lives across the nation this spring. One thing stands out during disasters though... and that is the compassion that people show each other!