KCFD and the Red Cross partnered up again today to do another fire safety canvassing event. Last week there was a fire in the 7200 block of Park Avenue in Kansas City, MO. Unfortunately the resident of the home perished in the fire. After a fatal fire the Kansas City Fire Department returns to the affected neighborhood to reach out to residents about fire safety and the importance of working smoke detectors. The Red Cross is honored to work along side with KCFD to help promote fire safety after such devastating events. Preparedness is an important element of the Red Cross.
Red Cross Volunteers and KCFD members delivered 440+ door hanger bags today to the surrounding neighborhood containing vital fire safety information. Thank you KCFD for inviting the Red Cross to assist with this event!
Below are pictures from todays canvassing:
Red Cross Volunteers gathering at the chapter to carpool over to the neighborhood where the canvassing will take place:

Fire Department and Red Cross arriving in the neighborhood:

Here is the house where the fire occurred. It was totally destroyed by the fire:

Red Cross volunteers and KCFD heading out on the canvass:

There was a news station on site getting some footage:

Talk about helpful volunteers! A couple of our Red Cross volunteers helped push a neighbor out of the snow drift he was stuck in:

As per protocol with the Red Cross, coffee was available on site for KCFD personnel and volunteers:

And finally, have to include a pic of JoAnn, Disaster Program Manager - Red Cross. She does a lot of work behind the scenes to organize events such as todays canvassing. In the pic below she is being interviewed for a news story to air today. Thank you JoAnn!

Great job KCFD and Red Cross! It's an honor to be part of an organization that works collaboratively with local Fire, EMS and Police to not only respond in disasters but to work to educate people so that hopefully disasters can be prevented.

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