Red Cross volunteers and the Leavenworth Fire Department knocked on doors in the northwest area of Leavenworth to offer information about fire safety. Smoke detectors were provided to those who needed them. Batteries were provided to family's that had smoke detectors but weren't sure how old their batteries were or when they were last checked. Having working smoke detectors is the number one prevention item family's can do to help get everyone out safely in a fire. Other recommendations provided by volunteers and fire fighters is to have an escape plan which includes at least 2 ways to safely evacuate the home and a meeting place outside the home for everyone to meet up and be accounted for. Practice the plan frequently with your family so everyone knows how to get out in the event of a fire and where to meet up. Test your smoke detectors monthly and change the batteries twice a year. Generally when we spring forward and fall back (with our clocks) is a good time to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Why is it important to do fire safety events like this? According to the NFPA, more than one-third (37%) of all home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms, while almost one-quarter (23%)
resulted from fires in homes in which smoke alarms were present but did not operate. Unfortunately after a fatality fire is a good time to get out in the community and talk about fire safety because it is fresh on their minds and they (community) are more likely to act upon suggestions provided by fire fighters, Red Cross volunteers and other organizations that provide information about fire safety.
During this canvassing event smoke detectors were provided by the Red Cross. Home Depot donated the batteries. Door hangers with information about fire safety were left at homes where nobody was home to answer the door. Approximately 80 homes were visited during the canvassing event.
I always enjoy these events and participate when I can. Who doesn't like hanging out with fire fighters? Thank you to Leavenworth Fire Department for inviting the Red Cross to help out with this event!
Below are some pictures from the event:
Meeting up prior to heading out to knock on doors:

After completion of the canvassing event fire fighters and Red Cross volunteers met back at the grade school to grab a cold drink and/or snack and to chat for a minute.

Group pic of fire fighters and volunteers who participated in the canvassing event:

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