Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why attend a Citizen's Academy? - JCSO Citizen's Academy

Why would someone want to attend a Citizen's Academy?

Well there are many reasons why someone might want to attend.  Here are a few reasons why participants from the 30th class attended:

"I was looking at JOCO Sheriffs employment opportunities and noticed they were accepting applications for the Civilian Specialists position. I requested an application and have yet to turn it in. I saw the opportunity for the Citizens Academy and thought what a great way to get an inside look at the Sheriff’s Office and get an idea of the responsibilities they have and how they provide for our community. After being involved with the academy, I know now more than ever before that God has opened this door for me and it is up to me what I do now… Do I take the chance and walk through the opened door or stand at the threshold just looking in wondering what it would be like on the other side. Well I can’t just stand there and wonder! Seeing the personnel that we have met, and building some personal relationships with them. I feel I have an opportunity of a lifetime and can’t pass it up so I have filled out the application. I have been inspired to follow my dream and I want to pursue the possibility of becoming a deputy. Since the start of the Citizens Academy, I have lost over 20lbs and trying to get into better shape and hope and pray that I am offered a position with the department starting at the Civilian Specialist and transition into a position as a deputy at some point. Attending the academy has been a “God thing” from the beginning and I know I would be a great asset to the department if given the opportunity."

"Something different to do.  Plus I liked learning about the differences in law enforcement agencies... between city, state and county."

"To get a more in depth look at the field I want to go in to."

"I refer to myself as a 'new born American'. I am still learning how to better understand the great American system, my tribute and respect goes to our everyday heroes, our Law Enforcement Officers. One way to honor them is to understand and value their role in the community and this classes allowed accomplishing this."

"My husband is a deputy. He has encouraged me for years to attend the academy so I can get an inside look at his career. I finally decided to enroll because I want to become involved as a volunteer with Johnson County Sheriff's Office."

"I want to be a police officer. I thought it would be a great way to learn more and of course to get a foot in the door."

"As part of my job responsibilities over the years I have been doing stress testing and physical agility testing on LEO's. Many times I have been asked to do a ride-a-long with a LEO so that I would have a better understanding of their job.  Since I now oversee our stress testing program I thought it might be a good idea to learn about the job as a whole so I looked in to the idea of attending a citizens academy."

"An opportunity to volunteer for and support the local Sheriff's Office"

Are you interested in attending the Citizen's Academy?

The academy is free of charge and involves interactive instruction through both classroom presentations and field experience. To register visit the Johnson County Sheriff's Office web page at:

It's an adventure...  :) 

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to update this entry to report that the individual above who talks about following his dream has turned in his application and has an interview next week! Good Luck!!!


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