Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year, New Resolutions?

I don't know about you but I don't make new years resolutions. They simply don't work. Your intentions may be good but by Feb you have already failed and say "oh well, I'll do it NEXT year." Why set yourself up for failure year after year? Instead...set goals - measurable and attainable goals.

I have 2 goals that I want to accomplish this year...increase my volunteer hours (200+) and run the Marine Corps Marathon. What will happen if I attain these 2 goals? I'll lose weight, feel better physically, feel better mentally, make better choices.... etc. That sounds better than making resolutions that I won't keep!


2012 was by far the most difficult year of my life. I experienced more stress than I could imagine possible and I didn't respond well to it. I'm human and I made some silly mistakes because my emotions got to me. I am currently seeing a therapist. It's actually not by choice but it's something I have to do so I am sucking it up and going. Doc thinks I have PTSD and am depressed. Two fires in a two week period (Feb 23 & Mar 6) and a major change at work will do that to you I guess. The therapist is helping me think positive about things. That brings me back to my goals. I never feel better about myself than when I am volunteering or running. Volunteering gives me the opportunity to help others, running gives me the opportunity to help myself. So, I guess you could say I have a third goal - to try to see the positive in life and do positive things. I know if I volunteer and run I will find the positive in life.

I will be attending another citizens academy soon. It's a city agency this time. Want to see what's different between police officers and sheriff deputies. Looking forward to it! Not sure I will blog about it though. It was a lot of work blogging about the JCSO citizens academy. I think I want to just sit back and experience this one. Who knows though, maybe I'll change my mind once the academy starts. That brings me back to volunteering. As with JCSO, volunteer opportunities will be discussed during this citizens academy. I see many opportunities to increase my volunteer hours this year. I can't wait to explore those opportunities and of course blog about them! Happy New Year! Set some goals and make 2013 your best year yet!


  1. Seeing the positive in life is a great goal! Maybe your theme song should be Train's "Maybe This Will Be My Year." :)

  2. I'm glad your doc recognizes PTSD. No one can go through what you did without it affecting them adversely. It's impressive that you maintained through it all! But you mentioned part of the reason why in your post above: helping others, and caring for yourself. Something tells me that you knew that, on some level, too. Good job getting through 2012 - and it sounds like 2013 is starting off right!

  3. Thanks Amy & Lisa! I made it through 2012 because of friends like you. I didn't do my part. 2013 has to be better and it starts with me. Saw a quote recently that said " Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step." I think I'm tip toeing...


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