Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Past, present and future...

Wow have I gotten way off track in this blog.  Oops...  let me try to get back on track a bit.

Past - The Johnson County Sheriff's Office Citizen's Academy wrapped up it's 31st class last night.  I hope they enjoyed it as much as those of us from previous classes did!  Approximately 620 people have attended the JCSO citizen's academy since they started holding classes in 2001.  If you would like to attend, visit their web page here and fill out an application.  They do have a waiting list so if you apply now it will likely be the fall 2013 class before your name is called.  I think you will find it worth the wait and the time to attend though!

Present - I have mentioned volunteering a lot in this blog.  Once you complete the Citizen's Academy you have the opportunity to continue on and volunteer with the Sheriff's Office if you so choose.  There are a variety of opportunties to choose from.  I am not currently volunteering with the Sheriff's Office but will continue to post about other adventures I get my self in to through the Red Cross, Wayside Waifs and other organizations I volunteer with (particularly when the activities are in cooperation with local law enforcement since that's really what this blog started out about.).  Hope to join back up with the Sheriff's Office in the summer when they need help with traffic control for parades, etc. 

Future - Have no fear, if you are reading this blog because you want to learn more about a Citizen's Academy, you can read all about my class's (30th class) experience by reviewing the blog entries dated Feb - May 2012.  Okay that's a past event, oops.  Here's a future event:  I will be attending a local citizen's academy other than Johnson County Sheriff's Office in 2013.  I have heard from many people that it's a good idea to attend both a Sheriff's Office sponsored academy and a City/Municipality sponsored citizen's academy and so that's what I will be doing.  Want to know what academy I will be attending?  You'll have to check back here periodically.  (Not nice of me to not tell is it?  Hey, I have to get you to come back somehow don't I?)  I will post updates as I learn the start date, agenda, etc.  Looking forward to experiencing another academy! 

Recap from Johnson County Sheriff’s Office Tweet-along from Inside Jail

Did you miss Johnson County Sheriff’s Office Tweet-along from Inside Jail?  Not have a twitter account?  No problem, here's a recap from the tweet along held on October 25, 2012:
The tweet along was from inside Central Booking in Olathe.

Here is the recap in chronological order:

Here are some fans retweeting the announced tweet along:

And the tweet along begins....


I don't know about you all but I enjoyed it.  Hope they do another one!  (We won't mention that I was following the tweetalong while sitting in a meeting at work... made the meeting more interesting!)