Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Johnson County Sheriff’s Office to Hold First Ever Tweet-along from Inside Jail

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office will he holding a first-of-its-kind tweet-along from inside the Central Booking Facility on Thursday, October 25 from 4-7 p.m.

Tweet-along events have become popular among police agencies, allowing followers to virtually ride-along with officers. The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is taking the tweet-along to a whole new level, letting people virtually ride-along with deputies inside of a working jail.

Followers will experience what it is like to work inside a jail, what kind of inmates are booked and housed inside the facility and what really happens behind the walls of a jail. Followers can also ask questions concerning Central Booking and life in jail in Johnson County during the event.

The username for Johnson County Sheriff’s Twitter feed is @jocosheriff and the hashtag that will be used for this event will be #jocotweetalong

Gotta say I am excited about this.  It's an example of a law enforcement agency using social media to interact and engage the public...  A few months back I asked JCSO (via a tweet to their account) if they were going to do tweet alongs like KCPD does. Their PIO Tom Erickson not only responded to my tweet but retweeted it as a means to ask followers if it was something of interest and if so, how about a tweet along from inside the jail?  Sounds like I am taking credit for this idea, huh?   No, but I would like to think it came about because a question was asked and they followed through with it.   Social media can be a valuable tool and clearly Deputy Erickson has embraced it!  Looking forward to the tweet along Thursday and what other creative ideas are to come! 

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